Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jared One Month

Jared reached his one month milestone this week. We feel so blessed to have this precious little boy part of our family. This is the latest info:

1)   Weight: 11lbs 15 oz – he gained over 3lbs in 2 weeks. Length: 21 inches
2)   He does not like his arms confined. He most often will sleep with this arms over his head.
3)   He loves being carried around in the cradle position (so that he can look around and see different things) and have his bum patted.
4)   He grunts and groans all the time.
5)   He is very active on his mat and has been trying to roll over.
6)   We have caught random smiles that warm our hearts each and every time.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow! great weight gain! hard to believe a month has gone by already. He's a cutie. Miss you all.
