Monday, October 31, 2011

Meeting Grandpa K

In the beginning of the month my parents came for a weekend. My dad meet Jared for the first time and gave him lots of cuddles. Micah had so much fun playing with grandpa and grandma. Grandpa and Micah played lots of mini stick hockey. Grandma and grandpa took him to the museum and MacDonald's for a special outing. Micah talked about it for days afterwards.

Happy Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween! In the last few months, Micah has been interested in the bones in his body, so being a skeleton was a perfect fit for his recent interest and Jared joined in the fun. We went to a party hosted by our building on Saturday. Today Micah helped hand out candy and visited some of our neighbours with one of his best buds.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jared at Three Months

Jared's Three Month Update:

1) At 11 weeks Jared weighed 14 lbs 7 oz and was 24 inches long.
2)   For the past two months he has been one smelly baby; his farts can clear a room.
3)   Showing interest in toys. He likes his mat and bouncy chair.
4)   He has started grabbing for things and has a firm grip once he has something in his grasp.
5)   He loves being outside and looking up at the trees.
6)   Still no sleeping through the night - he gets up several times in the night. We have started a bedtime routine and he goes to bed around 6-7pm and is up for the day between 6-7am.
7)   He coos and smiles
8)   He has discovered his hands and they will often be in his mouth – a thumb sucker in the making?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hanging out with Auntie Janette

My sister came for a week in September to meet her new nephew and play with Micah. Micah took her to all his favorite places. We had fun going to the beach, Museum, Science Centre and local playgrounds/parks. Jared got lots of cuddles and kisses. We had a wonderful time together and are sad that we do not live closer together.