Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jared at Eleven Months

My sweet, sweet baby boy is now eleven months. Oh, how I love him more and more every day. He is such a blessing to our family. Here is his latest info:

1)   He loves hockey (a little early, I know). He enjoys holding the mini hockey stick and to slide the ball or puck with it or pass it back and forth with us. He loves balls and he enjoys walking along furniture trying to kick a ball with his feet or have us walk with him so that he can kick the ball as we go.
2)   Jared had a terrible month teething and only has one more tooth to show for it.
3)   Besides saying, “mum”, he has added two new words, “nana” (banana) and “hi”.
4)   He is on the move. He is quite efficient at crawling now, but still prefers to “walk” when he can and will crawl mostly out of necessity. He is a climber. He loves stairs and again he prefers to “walk” up by holding the railing, but will crawl up if he needs to. He is still working on mastering the going down part.
5)   Whenever there is music or singing he will start clapping.
6)   Jared loves playing in tents or homemade forts with Micah. This past month I often heard them giggling together as Jared crawled in and out of their play structures.
7)   Still no sleeping through the night and will get up at least once a night.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Micah's First Post

This is Micah's first blog post (with Daddy's help). He really likes pirates (he wanted you to know that). Below are some pictures that Micah wanted to share, including two from our recent trip to Florida this past April. 

Who is this masked superhero?

Lizard watching in Fort Lauderdale

Alligators galore in the Everglades!