Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Micah at four months

It is amazing that how much Micah has already grown and changed in four months and how much he has captured our hearts. He is such a precious gift to us. Here is his four month info:

1) Since coming home from holidays Micah has not slept through the night, instead gets up 2-3 times a night, I am hoping that this is a short lived stage.
2) Loves to be outside and hanging out with mom or dad in the baby bjorn.
3) Is a little chatterbox, is often cooing/squealing at mom or dad or at his toys.
4) Weighs: 14 lbs and 3 oz Length: 24 3/4''
5) When he gets excited he kicks his little legs like crazy.
6) He has discovered his mouth, thus he will suck in his lips or suck on his fingers while cooing.
7) He likes standing on people's laps and enjoys the jolly jumper (although is still working on the jumping part)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

On the road again

This past week we had a little escape from Edmonton. We started our journey with a weekend camping trip to Gull Lake with some good friends. It was Micah's first tenting experience and he was such a trooper. He loves being outside, even when it was cold and windy. From Gull Lake we headed to Saskatchewan to spend a week on Ryan's family farm. While on the farm we saw a lot of wild life, helped with harvest and even took a trip to Lake Diefenbaker.