Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good Bye Edmonton... Hello Toronto

I feel a sense of relief as I sit on my hand me down futon (thanks Bryce!) in my new living room surrounded by U-haul boxes …we made it!!!! Ever since we made the decision to make the move to Toronto back in February, it has been almost non-stop go, go, and go.

I feel so grateful for all the help that we received in making this move possible with Rob helping Ryan with house/yard projects; my mom babysitting and helping me clean; Rob and Meg allowing me to stay with them for several days and Meg babysitting Micah while I had to work; my friends Niki, Lana and Meg who helped me clean the house; Ryan’s parents and brother in law who helped Ryan pack and unpack the trailer and move our stuff 3200 km; and then Ryan’s parents helping us get supplies for our new place. My heart is so full with love and gratitude. All of the support we received has helped make this transition a little easier. It is tough to leave behind a good job, a wonderful neighborhood, a great church community and most importantly wonderful friends and family. However, I am excited about this new adventure and having a new city to explore and new people to meet.

I thought I would include a funny picture of Micah riding a bike at our roof top garden. More pictures to come once we are more set up.


  1. That brings a smile to ones face.

  2. Where did he learn that punk rock face Ryan?

  3. very cute. glad to hear you're getting settled. can't wait to see more pics and hear more of the toronto adventures as they happen! :) miss you guys!
