Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ten Months

1) Crawling and climbing everywhere. Micah loves being on the move and explores every inch of our house (and finds every last crumb on the floor). He pulls him self up on almost anything and has started to walk along furniture
2) He is now the proud owner of five teeth.
3) He is becoming a little social butterfly and loves other babies/children, but is still cautious of other adults.
4) He gives high fives.
5) Clicks his tongue, something that he has learned from grandpa K.
6) He looks like a mini Bryce (Pam's brother).
7) Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz Height: 27''

1 comment:

  1. I sure see a lot of Ryan in that face. Too cute, Niki and I need to see that little guy sometime. Like the little maple leaf on the bottom picture.
