Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eleven Months

The past month has been a busy one. Micah and I (Pamela) went to Phoenix to visit my parents. Ryan's parents came to visit one weekend. Ryan went to Montreal to present a paper at a conference at McGill during which time my sister came to stay with Micah and I (fun! fun! fun!). It is hard to believe that Micah has been in our lives for eleven months already. He is such a joy to have around and we love him more then words could ever express. He is such a happy, interactive little guy. Sometimes when he is playing he will just look up at me and give me the biggest smile…. It warms my heart every time. Here is Micah's latest info:

1) He loves phones and will smile every time he hears Auntie Janette (JJ) or Grandma on the phone. He will hold his toy phone to our ears (never his own ear).

2) Switched car seats. He is now in the 'big boy' car seat (still facing backwards as long as possible).

3) Wants to eat whatever we have on our plates.

4) Continues to love music. Everyday he will want us to put on his music. He will stand by the speakers and dance (sway and bob his head).

5) Loves books… loves pulling them off the book shelves, loves looking at them and loves being read to.

6) Wants to explore everything, everywhere… whether in the airport, video store or health clinic… he want to be let down so that he can crawl around and explore (a germaphobic's worst nightmare, thank goodness for handi-wipes).

7) Starting to make specific sounds for specific objects: ball- ba, books– baok, mum, and dada.

8) Weight: 19 lbs 7 oz Height: 28 inches

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ten Months

1) Crawling and climbing everywhere. Micah loves being on the move and explores every inch of our house (and finds every last crumb on the floor). He pulls him self up on almost anything and has started to walk along furniture
2) He is now the proud owner of five teeth.
3) He is becoming a little social butterfly and loves other babies/children, but is still cautious of other adults.
4) He gives high fives.
5) Clicks his tongue, something that he has learned from grandpa K.
6) He looks like a mini Bryce (Pam's brother).
7) Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz Height: 27''