This past month
1) Teething – Micah has his first two teeth coming up – we can see one and the other one is just below the gum surface. This past week has been difficult, as we think he is in a lot of pain with teething. He is whiney and just wants to be held. I never thought I would be a drug pusher – but Children's Tylenol has become our best friend on a few occasions.
2) Nodding – Yes our little baby nods. I was at first worried about why Micah was all a sudden becoming a bobble head – I confessed my concern to Ryan thinking of the worst and he pointed out that Micah was copying us with nodding – He was right! It is so cute.
3) Hungry, Hungry Hippo – We have now had a month of solid foods and I am happy to report that Micah loves eating. He eats way more then is suggested for his age and it is showing (He is starting to look like fat Buddha again). His favs are carrots and apples; but so far he is not too picky. I am having fun making his food and he is being spoiled with fresh, organic food whenever possible. This is what he is eating: chicken, lentils, egg yolks, apples, pears, blueberries, bananas, mango, carrots, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, green beans, broccoli, peas, avocado, butternut squash, brown rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, and barely cereal.
4) Favorite Game – Micah loves playing peek-a-boo and it always produces giggles.
5) Kisses – Beware of slobbery, open month with tongue cheek kisses :-)
6) Waving – He has just started copying when we wave – the behaviour is still inconsistent, but has happened a few times.
7) Favorite Songs – Old MacDonald, The Wheels on the Bus, and Eency, Weency Spider
8) Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz; Height: 25 ¾ inches