This is a little late in getting posted but here is Jared’s five month info.
1) He had his first plane ride. We went to Phoenix in November to visit grandma and grandpa. He did not enjoy being confined to the seat so we did a lot of walk up and down the isle. He did a lot better on our flight to Edmonton and then to La Crete. So I am hopeful that he will eventually become a good little traveler.
2) Jared likes to move. He does the funniest thing in his crib, he will left his legs as high up as he can and then drop them as hard as he can making his crib rattle and the mattress ‘crunch’. He is never in the same position in his crib when he wakes up as when we put him down.
3) His favorite spot is in the arms of mommy or daddy facing out and being walked around. He loves to see everything that is going on. The baby Bjorn has been so helpful; unfortunately he is starting to get to heavy to be it for too long. He can tolerate the exer-saucer and jolly jumper for short periods of time and still enjoys his mat (at least giving our arms and back a little break). Micah is his favorite source of entertainment (his big brother is so funny and does all these cool things).
4) He has been teething and his favorite teething toy is his fist.
5) Still no sleeping through the night L. He typically has three short (45 minute) naps during the day.
He is such a smiley baby and we are so in love with him.