Sunday, December 16, 2012

Random Pics

 Being silly
 Being Silly 2
 Helping decorating the Christmas tree
 Eating Christmas oranges after the hard work of putting up the tree
 Dancing with a silly hat :-)
 Winter craft - Marshmallow igloo
 "I am going to lick it"
 Christmas outfit - 'Gangester style'
 All ready to go to the Christmas program
Micah participating in his first Christmas program. He is also wearing his first tie :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

For Thanksgiving weekend, we went to Andrews' Scenic Acres. We had gone last year and enjoyed it, so we thought we would try it again. We had tracker rides, picked our pumpkins, feed farm animals, played in hay bails, had a picnic with fresh corn on the cob, and bought some harvest fruits and vegetables.  The kids loved it.  Here are some picture of our day.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Last weekend we had our first camping trip as a family of four. We met up with some friends from our building and went to Algonquin park. It was beautiful area and it was wonderful to get out of the city. Although it was a lot of work (and cold), it is something that we look forward to doing more as a family.

 Flower picker

 Wrestling on the mattress and fluffy sleeping bags.

 Autumn has arrived.

 The best part of camping... camp fire.

Dirty face.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Farm August 2012

 Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

Micah driving the lawn mower with Grandpa. 

Ryan building the sand box. 


Micah helping filling the sand box. 

Relaxing after a long, hard days work. 

Jared checking out his birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa.

Running away... 

Ice cream man. 

Spray park fun.

Our picture loving kids (sarcasm :-)

Loving the outdoors.

                                          The outdoors and lots of running space = Smiles


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jared Walks!

Our little guy has been teasing us for awhile but he's finally decided to give walking a go. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Jared

We had a birthday party for Jared while at my parents place. Micah, Janette, Bryce and Krista along with my parents were able to join in the fun. I made bunny cupcakes, since Jared’s favorite item is his bunny ‘teddy bear’. I also made quesadilla’s (his favorite) and we had silly hats and balloons. On his actually birthday he (with the help from Micah) opened his present from us and we had a little mini party with cupcakes.

Here is his one year info:

1)   Weight: 22 lbs Height: 30 inches
2)   On several occasions in the past month he has taken one or two steps on his own.
3)   He is fascinated with animals. Seeing dogs or birds on a walk will always produce a reaction from him.
4)   Jared loves playing with Micah and is always interested in what Micah is doing.
5)   SLEEPS through the night! As soon as he was weaned he decided to sleep through the night. He, however, is an early raiser, and is often up for the day before 6 am.
6)   He enjoys playing in the sand box and playing in the toy cars.

We love him so much!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer in La Crete 2012

Ryan had an opportunity to go to Israel with his supervisor and some colleagues for a month. I took the opportunity of him being away to spend sometime with my family. The boys and I went to Grande Prairie and La Crete. We were lucky that Janette and Bryce and Krista were able to visit us in La Crete for part of the time. Both Micah and Jared at a blast. I also had fun connecting with old friends and extended family. I am so grateful to my parents for allowing me to crash at their place and all the help they gave me as I ‘single-parented’ it for a month.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Micah had his first soccer class today through Sportball. I wasn't planning to put him in soccer until next year, but he loves sports so much and every time he saw older kids play soccer he would join in (whether they wanted him to or not). I thought that at least this way he is learning the rules of the game and gets to play with other kids in his age group. He had so much fun and is already looking forward to next weeks practice :-)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jared at Eleven Months

My sweet, sweet baby boy is now eleven months. Oh, how I love him more and more every day. He is such a blessing to our family. Here is his latest info:

1)   He loves hockey (a little early, I know). He enjoys holding the mini hockey stick and to slide the ball or puck with it or pass it back and forth with us. He loves balls and he enjoys walking along furniture trying to kick a ball with his feet or have us walk with him so that he can kick the ball as we go.
2)   Jared had a terrible month teething and only has one more tooth to show for it.
3)   Besides saying, “mum”, he has added two new words, “nana” (banana) and “hi”.
4)   He is on the move. He is quite efficient at crawling now, but still prefers to “walk” when he can and will crawl mostly out of necessity. He is a climber. He loves stairs and again he prefers to “walk” up by holding the railing, but will crawl up if he needs to. He is still working on mastering the going down part.
5)   Whenever there is music or singing he will start clapping.
6)   Jared loves playing in tents or homemade forts with Micah. This past month I often heard them giggling together as Jared crawled in and out of their play structures.
7)   Still no sleeping through the night and will get up at least once a night.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Micah's First Post

This is Micah's first blog post (with Daddy's help). He really likes pirates (he wanted you to know that). Below are some pictures that Micah wanted to share, including two from our recent trip to Florida this past April. 

Who is this masked superhero?

Lizard watching in Fort Lauderdale

Alligators galore in the Everglades!