Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mid Summer Update

As Micah approaching his 15-month milestone I thought it is time for an update. We are having so much fun enjoying all that summer has to offer through the eyes of a toddler.

Several house in our neighborhood have been knocked down, making way for new houses to be built. Micah has been fascinated with watching the excavators (diggers) do their work. We actually had a perfect view from our dinning room window of a house being knocked down and debris being put into a 'big truck'.

Micah is becoming quite a little helper. He wants to do whatever we are doing. His latest thing is to 'help' sweep, which can be more trouble then help because he finds the pile of crumbs quite interesting. Thus I have started giving him the swiffer, which keeps him entertained.

He continues to follow basic commands (when he wants to), such as, "bring mommy the phone" or "put the dish back in the cupboard". He is also starting to point to things that we ask him to in books like different animals and objects.

One of his latest toy discoveries is big legos. I am sometimes amazed at his concentration and I find it so interesting to watch him has he tries to figure out how to put the different pieces together and how to pull them apart.

Rain, rain go away... it has been really rainy the last little while, which has been fun for puddle jumping. It has also given us an opportunity to take in different indoor activities that Edmonton has to offer: the museum, space science centre, swimming, and library programs. However, we are starting to run out of ideas and are hoping that the rest of summer will be hot and sunny :-)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend with Auntie Janette

This past long weekend my sister Janette came to visit. Micah had been sick/teething so he wasn't always his cheery self (Janette has teeth marks to prove it), but all in all we had a fun time. We went to the zoo, played at the park, visited the animals at the mall, and read a lot of books. It was so wonderful to see the two of them bond - Micah would smile and squish his nose and touch forehead to forehead with Janette - it was like their own special kiss. Below are a few pictures from the weekend: