Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Nine Months
1) He now crinkles his nose and shows his teeth when he smiles… so cute.
2) He is ticklish under his arms and has the most heartwarming giggles.
3) Loves books and has a surprisingly long attention span. He loves books with real pictures and his favorite is his big animal book.
4) In the last few days he has started crawling forward (finally!). He is a little wiggle worm and it is amazing the places he can get himself.
5) He is obsessed with Ryan's coffee grinder and we have no idea why. He loves being on the counter and watching Ryan make coffee and playing with the grinder.
6) He can stand holding on to something (i.e. chair, learning centre, book shelve…).
7) Micah has started swimming lesson and he loves it. He loves splashing, kicking his legs and floating. He also does not mind going under water or getting his face wet.
8) He has started to follow basic requests, which is so fun and confirms that babies understand so much more then we often give them credit for. Although we know he understands some things (i.e. give mommy kiss, don’t put that in your mouth, pick up spoon), doesn't mean that he always does what he is asked.
9) He loves music and banging things together.
10) Weight: 16 lbs 13 oz Height: 27''
Monday, January 11, 2010
December 2009
Monday, January 4, 2010
Eight Months
This past months has been really busy with Christmas parties, trips and family gatherings. Micah is really starting to warm up to other people and loves being around his older cousins. It is amazing how much he has developed this past month.
Eight Months:
1) Micah started rocking on all fours, but still no crawling. He gets frustrated because he keeps pushing himself backwards and can't quite move himself forwards.
2) Got his top two teeth.
3) He is starting to imitate mommy and daddy with waving and clapping.
4) He continues to be a little chatter box and likes to tell stories all day long "dada, mama, dada, lala…." And on and on…
5) He loves music and he is started to sway/dance/head bob to music.
6) He continues to love food and wants to eat whenever he sees others eat.
7) Favorite toy: Learning centre table
8) Weight: 15 lbs 14 oz Height: 26 ¾ inches