Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 2014

For the first time our family officially had a March break. Micah thoroughly enjoys school but he was ready for a break in his routine and we all had a wonderful 'break'. Janette came to visit for a few days. We went to Brickworks and the Toronto Zoo while she was here. We had play dates, swimming,  pj days, and lots of play time. Micah and Jared played so well with each other all week. It is so lovely to see them developed as playmates and friends.

 I have also included other pictures of things we did in March.

 Skating at Brickworks.

 Showing off their new Star Wars t-shirts.

 Brotherly love.

So tired... so peaceful... 

 My little helper.

 At the zoo.

 Swimming pool is unexpectedly close.... plan B... McD play place.

 Checking out the maple sap.

 Going to look at maple trees.

 All ready to work at the Maple Festival.

 Up close and personal with the gorilla.

 Another trip to the zoo with friends.

 All ready to go.

 Along for the ride.

 First bike ride of the season.

 Jared's favorite hiding place.

Micah learning to play chess.

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